Find your Group!
Whether the Lord has given you a passion for missions or you're looking for a community to dive deeper with, we have a group you can join!
JOY Group
Our JOY group stands for Just Older Youth, meaning this is a group for all aged 50 and older! This group often plans trips together or quarterly luncheons. Please reach out to Donna Greene if you'd like to join the JOY group.
Our LACE, Ladies After Christ's Example, group is our women's ministry group! This group often meets and studies a book of the Bible for a few months at a time or hosts events that encourage creativity. If you want to be a part of the LACE group, contact Janice Baskin or Sharon Smoak.
The FHBC Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM to practice. They often perform choir specials during the Sunday morning worship service as a form of special music. If you're interested in joining the choir, contact our Music Director, Maggie Dantzler!
WMU stands for Women Missionary Union. The Doris Dykes group and the May Dixon group are a part of WMU! If you're interested in getting involved with WMU, contact Betty Rowell.
Prayer Group
The FHBC prayer group meets once a month before Sunday school to pray for a variety of things! If you feel led to join our prayer group, contact Betty Waddell.